Where has the summer gone? It is hard to believe it is August already. We have had a great summer full of bakery events, amazing custom orders and great family vacations and memories. Now, our house is busy getting ready for back to school- as our delivery driver is an elementary school STEM teacher and our taste-tester is going into 2nd grade!
This August bakery box is is one last chance to savor the summer flavors, before we transition to pumpkins, apples and fall spices! This month’s bakery box includes: 2 lemon cardamom babka rolls, 4 chocolate pizzelle, 1 individual flourless chocolate cake, 2 blueberry crumb muffins, 4 lemon zucchini cookies (with zucchini fresh from our garden) and 2 cherry hand pies! This box is perfect for a morning on the porch with some coffee or an evening on the deck, enjoying the mountain sunsets of Colorado.
Each bakery box is $25. This month, bakery boxes have two options for pick-up/delivery: 1) You can pick up your bakery box from our booth at a new market this weekend. We will be at the Denver Maker’s Market at The Shed @ Midtown from 10a-2p this Saturday, August 14th (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/makers-market-the-shed-tickets-166315507159). OR 2) We will deliver your bakery box on the morning of Sunday, August 15th. Order your box by emailing orders@buysesbakery.com
We hope you have had a great summer!