It’s October- the month of pumpkins, apples, scary movies and spooky decorations. Halloween is a favorite holiday in our house. We go all out with decorations inside and outside. We try to watch 31 Halloween movies (some scary, some funny, some just solidly campy). And we love Halloween themed foods! I used to throw some pretty epic Halloween parties back in the day. And now, we celebrate with our family and all of the trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood.
This month’s box is full of Halloween goodies. You will enjoy 2 caramel apple cupcakes, 2 apple cheddar scones, 2 chocolate pumpkin swirl brownies, 2 Halloween decorated sugar cookies, 2 caramel pecan sticky buns and 4 pumpkin spice butter cookies.
October bakery boxes will be delivered on Sunday, October 10th. Each box is $25. Order your box by emailing us at orders@buysesbakery.com.
Happy Haunting!